
The possibility of a second synchrotron in Latin America is viewed with interest in the region: by SIRIUS, the Campinas synchrotron, because of the possibility of complementarity, by the Mexicans, who had been pursuing the creation of a national synchroton for many years and who are partners in this project, and of course by other countries who see in it a possible factor for the growth of their scientific communities, an especially important goal for Central America and the Caribbean islands.

A synchrotron in the Caribbean would be aligned with the goals of United Nations Sustainable Global Development Agenda, which, for many countries in the region, can tackle head on their major social, economic, and political challenges, and would be a catalyst for greater regional integration, particularly among the English-speaking and Spanish-speaking Caribbean. Thus, one of the biggest challenges the project will now face is convincing politicians and the civil society that the costs of investing and operating this scientific infrastructure are compatible with the economies of their countries and reasonable in terms of opportunity cost, since social priority needs will be addressed.

The successful realization of the project demands a major training effort. The problem does not arise so much in identifying potential users. The versatility of synchrotrons makes them attractive to a wide pool of multi-disciplinary users, whose scientific level is often high. For example, Mexico already has an important group of synchrotron users. The main challenge will instead be the training of staff, and machine technicians. SESAME’s experience shows that it can be done while constructing the facility, although it is clear that, since these skills are in high demand, a quantitatively significant and redundant training will be required, in order to absorb the inevitable losses.

The location is not yet decided. There is much evidence in favor of Mexico, where, in the state of Hidalgo, land has been donated to the project in the “Ciudad del Conocimiento” (Knowledge City). At the moment, the project is in standby, but it can be reactivated. However, other possibilities cannot be ruled out.

The electron energy is not yet decided: most likely options are 1.5 or 3 GeV, but this is a matter to be decided looking at construction costs, foreseeable applications of greater practical interest, and the possible need to build even lower-cost facilities in countries other than the host country.


Adapted from Violini, G., The LAMISTAD Project, a Latin American synchrotron in the Caribbean, SIF Prima PaginaN. 113 – Maggio 2023, Società Italiana di Fisica,